The next semester of the Magical Readathon is upon us, and I am ready for it. I have yet to miss any of the readathons yet, and I don't plan to because of how well-crafted it is. If you aren't aware, the Magical Readathon is a readathon hosted by Book Roast, and it is one of her own creations where you create a character and go to school and take classes in order to advance towards your chosen profession.
At this point in the readathon, I have moved on from novice and am now adept in my chosen field, which is a scribe. Since this is the easier semester of the year, there aren't too many classes I need to take and therefore books to read; 5 in total to be exact. That makes it a lot easier to create a TBR.
So, without further ado, let's dive into the books I am planning to read for this semester at Orilium.
Elemental Studies - Botanic Controls ✔
Prompt: flowers on the cover
Book: Sweet Bean Paste
Completed: Apr. 23
Inscription - Glyph: Flight ✔
Prompt: book from your top shelf
Book: Tender is the Flesh
Completed: Apr.26
Spells & Incantations - Spell: Magic Missiles ✔
Prompt: 389 to 415 pages
Book: Wolfsong
Completed: June 10
Restoration - Oculi Cures ✔
Prompt: close your eyes, shuffle and point
Book: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
Completed: Apr.19
Lore - The Legend of Dia ✔
Prompt: book with a map
Book: A Day of Fallen Night
Completed: Apr.16
Scholar's Key
Name - Althea
Guild - House of the Arcane
Calling - Scribe
Certification - Adept
Background - Wildling
Province - Darkmeadow
Heritage - Iltirian
Lunar Phase at Birth -
Conduit - Sword
Legacy - Pocket Dimension
Guild Tier (House of the Arcane)
Novice Path Completion = 50 points
HELP!!! Quest = 10 points
Scroll of Standstill Quest = 10 points
Rare Ingredient Quest = 10 points
Missing Spellbook Quest = 10 points
Courier Needed Quest = 10 points
Study Buddy Required Quest = 10 points
The AWW Needs You! Quest = 10 points
January = 10 points
February = 10 points
March = 10 points
Total = 150 points
Rank = Revered